2020 SEASON:


The Blueberry season is Over a Month Earlier than “normal”


Tues and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – Noon

***We have frozen We-Pik blueberries available at this time.

We-pik berries are $4.90/lb.


We ARE providing buckets now. But feel free to bring your own if you prefer.

All Berries must go in bags for weighing purposes.

Direct contact with employees will be limited – our normal process has been changed so please be aware when arriving!

*Our employees will not be required to wear masks as they can make it difficult to breathe in the heat. We will not require customers to wear masks either, but we do ask that all customers maintain the 6ft social distancing from others at all times while visiting the Berry Patch. This is to protect our other customers and our employees.

Our registers will be moved outdoors to limit employee traffic in the store. We will only allow a few people in the store at any given time.

We will only be offering Thundermountain muffins from the bakery. Our bakery staff will wear masks and gloves and muffins will be placed in bakery boxes and will be available for purchase in groups of 2, 4, 6, or 12.

The Berry Train will not be operating this year.

The picnic area and the kids play area will be open AT YOUR OWN RISK. We do require parental supervision when playing in the kids play area.